Whatphone Blog | Compare Mobile Phone Plans in Australia

The WhatPhone 2017 Mobile Services Report

WhatPhone’s September 2017 survey Method : Key findings of ‘Mobile Phone Basics’ Survey : In general, the first group of questions in the September 2017 survey, paint a lackluster picture of Australian sentiment on the phone company services they buy. It also exposes some common traps visitors get themselves into when they’re comparing phone Continue reading…

Telstra’s Security Operations Centre – Long Overdue

It could happen to anyone Last month, a young woman in Toowoomba received an email from her bank, informing her of a $6000 withdrawal she had not made. Shocked, she logged into her account to discover the money was indeed missing. She immediately contacted her banks and asked them to freeze her account. She Continue reading…

Are Free Data Plans The Future of Mobile?

What comes after data deflation ? Free data ? We’ve covered the phenomenon of data deflation before. Data deflation can be a good thing for those who don’t have a phone under contract from their phone company. The price of data falls so regularly that if you have a SIM Only or Prepaid plan, Continue reading…

No Need for the Apple Watch 3 to Sync With the iPhone?

When Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, announced the Apple Watch in September 2014, there was a great deal of industry buzz that lived on right until the wearable was released. However, there was a problem. The gadget did not live up to the hype. The User Interface was overcrowded and confusing, and many reviews gave Continue reading…

Let’s Put Telstra Payphones Out of Their Misery

It’s probably a rarity to see someone making their way to a Telstra pay phone these days, despite the fact that 24,573 still inhabit the cities and regions of Australia. There hasn’t been any clear indication what would happen if it wasn’t for the Federal government providing a $40 million subsidy in order to Continue reading…