Whatphone Blog | Compare Mobile Phone Plans in Australia

What is Starlink?

Satellite phone plans are the next thing  Wired and mobile network technologies have evolved year after year. Satellite communications, on the other hand, have been a little quiet. But Elon Musk is changing all that! While satellite phone plans have been around for a long time, they just haven’t caught on to the public. Continue reading…

Your Next Satellite Phone Plan

Get your phone plan from space? Satellite phones already exist, but when we think of them, we imagine bulky, oversized gadgets that can’t fit in your pocket. And with today’s smart phone technology getting smaller and sleeker, bulky devices seem even more unattractive. But there’s a change coming not too far into the future. Continue reading…

Optus Opens 5G to MVNOs

Optus mobile 5G now available to MVNOs Optus has announced that its mobile 5G network is now available to Mobile VIrtual Network Operators (MVNO). This is great news for Australians who prefer smaller telcos, and for competition in the telco market in general as more 5G plansare launched . So far, Optus is leading Continue reading…

TPG Is Taking the 5G Race to Telstra

TPG Telecom targets 5G While Vodafone and TPG spend a couple of years fighting the ACCC’s opposition to their proposed merger, Telstra and Optus were moving fast with their 5G rollouts. The two latter telcos both launched commercial 5G last year, giving them a significant head start. However, earlier this year, a federal judge Continue reading…