Whatphone Blog | Compare Mobile Phone Plans in Australia

What is the Cheapest Phone Plan for iPhone

Understanding phone plans A phone plan is a paid agreement with a mobile carrier that allows your cell phone makes use of their network for services such as phone calls, text messages, and mobile data (internet access). These services are typically bundled into one plan as inclusions, but can be sold as separate voice and Continue reading…

How Much Mobile Data Does Netflix Use?

Netflix is one of the most popular video streaming platforms. With the Netflix app, you can watch movies, TV series, and other shows that are either exclusive to the platform or that has been adapted to it. Netflix can be watched on a number of digital devices. Watching Netflix on your phone, like other Continue reading…

What does Limited Data Speed Actually Mean?

What Does it Mean When Your Network Speeds will be Limited to 1.5 Mbps? Whether your mobile phone plan is limited or unlimited, there can come a time where the usual allocation of data runs out. Depending on the size of your plan and how often you use it, this could be a regular Continue reading…

Why Australia Is Going To Have To Get Used To Robocalling

Robocalling has risen following technological advancements. Source Robocalling: The Spam of the Century Cell phone users are likely to have experienced at least one robocall in recent times. Over the last few years, robocalling has greatly intensified, and this can be attributed to the widespread technology that makes the process far easier than it Continue reading…

What is ‘Grandfathering’ a Phone Plan?

Understanding the term ’Grandfathering’ Although quite popular, many don’t really know what grandfathering a phone plan means. Simply put, grandfathered phone plans are plans which allow existing subscribers continue utilizing the service even though it has been tweaked or removed completely. Why do grandfathered phone plans exist? Telcos offer grandfathered phone plans to subscribers Continue reading…