Whatphone Blog | Compare Mobile Phone Plans in Australia

Free Download – The Guide To Australian Phone Plans

We recommend you download our FREE guide The most common piece of feedback we’ve had on WhatPhone, over email, and from people who engage with our Social Media presences, is a request that comes up time and time again. People tell us they want a clear, written explanation that will help them make the Continue reading…

What is Data Overage and How to Avoid it?

Once you get past the most basic tier of phone plan, most telcos offer unlimited standard calls and text. How much you pay for your phone plan per month generally depends on how much data you want. It’s tempting to opt for the plan with the lowest amount of data you think you can Continue reading…

What will the TPG / Vodafone merger mean for you

The idea in 60 seconds The pros and cons of TPG merging with Vodafone in Australia The net worth of David Teoh, CEO of TPG  rise by around 40% last week from only $2bn to around $3bn, on news of the proposed merger between his company, TPG, and Vodafone Australia. The deal is currently being Continue reading…

Who Has the Fastest Data Speeds in Australia?

There is a lot that has changed when it comes to the way we use the internet over the course of few years. Smart refrigerators, smart light bulbs and many other IoT devices have joined smartphones and computers to make our lives easier through the internet. Naturally, with such high demands and potential for Continue reading…