Whatphone Blog | Compare Mobile Phone Plans in Australia

Telstra – Free Data in 5-10 Years

Telstra – Free Data in 5-10 Years The future for consumer data prices is not as bright for telcos, according to Telstra. In the next 5 to 10 years, the prices may touch the zero line and operators must prepare for this by diversifying to other services in addition to connectivity. Speaking at the Continue reading…

Why You Don’t Need the Latest Phone

There is always excitement whenever a flagship handset hits the market. Everyone wants to try it despite the colossal sums they have to sacrifice to get it. If you could just step back a little bit and reexamine your decision, you may not actually need the new model handset. Unlike in the past, there Continue reading…

Telstra Says 5G Will Not Replace NBN

Very soon, Australia will have access to 5G data speeds. This is revolutionary, and some industry players have suggested that a significant market share will move from National Broadband Network (NBN) to mobile broadband. However, Telstra says that 5G mobile will never supersede the NBN due to capacity issues. The 5G mobile network is Continue reading…

All The Kids Want a Phone for Christmas

A new research study by Telstra reveals that close to 50% of Australian parents are considering gifting their children smartphones as Christmas presents. While some of the parents felt that their children will be safer with smartphones, others pointed out the need for connectivity, communication, and independence as the major reasons to buy their Continue reading…

The Hidden Fees in Phone Plans They Never Tell You About

Let’s face it, our digital lives revolve around mobile phones. We do everything from participating in competitions, buying apps, and even voting on TV shows. A new survey by Ipsos commissioned by the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), has brought to the fore shocking details of third party mobile phone charges that consumers Continue reading…