Thinking about Getting your child a smartwatch? Read this first!

What is a Smartwatch?

So, before we can start to talk about why you should consider getting a smartwatch for your child, we first need to establish what a smartwatch is. In the past, watches were precious—all the complexities of a clock that can fit on your wrist. But today, you can get a basic watch for as little as $3. However, if you’re willing to pay a bit (well, a lot) more, you can have a watch that’s more like a wrist-based computer. These watches have touchscreens that allow you to take calls, display app notifications, read messages, and even track your health.

But, since they are technically watches, you can also use them to read the time.

Calling a smartwatch a “watch” is like calling your mobile phone a “phone”. That’s one of the many functions it performs, but it can also do so much more. I wonder what would happen if you time travelled to the time when watches were the height of technical innovation and showed them a smartwatch. It would probably blow their minds.

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Benefits of a Smartwatch

Smartwatches come with many benefits regardless of whether you’re a child or an adult. Firstly, they have many of the features that phones have. If you connect your watch to your phone, you can read your messages, take phone calls, etc. Sometimes our phone is on the other side of the room, and we can’t be bothered getting up to get it. But other times, getting your phone out might be difficult (such as if you’re standing in a crowded room) or inappropriate (such as at a church service). In these situations, being able to turn your wrist to have a look is helpful.

Secondly, smartwatches also have a longer-lasting battery than mobile phones. You can use your watch all day without worrying about the battery going out. And finally, the health benefits. These days, you get smartwatches that track your heart rate, sleep patterns, physical activity, blood pressure, etc. Keeping healthy should be an active part of everyone’s life, and having a smartwatch can make that easier and simpler.

You don’t have to assume; you can get direct reports from your body.

Modern worries for modern parents

Today, we live in a very internet and social media-based world. Children as young as ten are using social media to keep in touch with their friends and talk to people from all over the world.

On the one hand, this is great because we can learn from others and access a whole library’s worth of information without leaving our home.

But, if you’re a parent, you may also worry about some of the negative sides of your child having easy internet access. Paedophiles, cyberbullying, pornography, and violent content are all things we will want our kids to avoid. Keeping them away from this stuff whilst still allowing access to social media is much easier said than done. Many of us still worry about what our parents would have worried about for us. Muggings, drug problems, and bad people didn’t magically go away.

Benefits of giving your child a Smartwatch

Giving your child MORE technology might seem counterintuitive, but kid’s smartwatches can help you keep track of them much better. A smartphone can have hundreds of features. Some innocent, others not so much. But, not only does a smartwatch limit what your children can do, but it also allows you to set their limits. Parents often worry about what their kids do because they’re unaware of it. If you worry about what your child might get up to, you can track their activity and see everything they do and when they do it. Smartwatches end this worry.

Mobile phones are expensive. If your child breaks or loses it, you will need to fork out a lot of money. Smartwatches are much cheaper. They’re also harder to lose because they are physically attached to your child. Their lack of things to do can encourage your child to spend more time playing outside and less time inside. Obesity is a big concern in Australia, and removing your child from too much technology can encourage them to spend more time socialising. You can keep track of your child using GPS. If you worry about where your child goes after school, you can now keep track of them and know if they go somewhere they shouldn’t. Some models allow you to listen to their conversations. If you hear your child hear or say something rude or unpleasant, you can talk to them about why that kind of language is wrong, whether that’s racism, name-calling, or overtly sexual language. Your child can send distress signals if they’re in danger. If your child feels unsafe, they can let you know at the press of a button.

How to pick the best Smartwatch for your child

When thinking about which smartwatch is best for your child, there are several factors you may need to consider. The first one is what do you want to do? Some are better at GPS, whereas others will be better at calling. Do you want to keep a close eye on your child or just have a rough idea You may also consider how well their smartwatch will pair with your phone. There is no point in getting your child a smartwatch if the device is incompatible with your phone.

Cost also needs to be considered. What kind of budget do you have? How likely are they to break or lose it? You don’t want to spend $200 on a watch you know your child will leave on the bus. A watch with a long battery life can help significantly if your child spends several hours out. Does your child like rough play? Look at how durable a watch is before you buy it. Other features to look out for may include GPS and 3G internet.

Option #1 SpaceTalk

SpaceTalk watches are a popular brand within Australia. And recently, they have teamed up with Vodafone. If you go into a Vodafone shop or the Vodafone website, you can buy a SpaceTalk smartwatch with a “Red Wearable SIM Plan”. You pay a monthly fee to be able to use your watch.

This seems to be the first “smartwatch specific” SIM plan. If smartwatches for kids catch on, we reckon they will become far more common in the future. Because the plan is for kid’s watches, not smartphones, the plan will likely be much cheaper than even typical SIM-only plans. You will need to use the “AllMyTribe” app to track your child, which you can download on Android and iPhones.

How to use the “AllMyTribe” App

Here is how to connect the “AllMyTribe” app and connect it to your child’s smartwatch.

1. Download the “AllMyTribe” app onto your phone.
2. Register an account by filling out your details.
3. Verify your email address.
4. On the app, select “Add Device”.
5. Enter the mobile number connected to the SIM card in the watch.
6. On the watch, you should see a code popup. Type that code into the app on your phone.
7. Set up your child’s profile with their name, favourite colour, and a photo of them.
8. Read and consent to the terms and conditions.
9. Fill out the SOS details. This is who will be notified if they’re in danger.
10. Select “Finish”.
11. Select your subscription option (Yes, you will need to pay to use AllMyTribe)

From here, if you select “Settings” on the app, you can control what your child has access to. You can decide which contacts to add and provide a list of phrases they’re allowed to send. You can also edit the “School mode” features, which prevents them from using their watch when the teacher is speaking. The “safe zone” mode means you’ll be alerted if your child goes further than they’re supposed to.

Option #2 Alcatel MOVETIME Family Watch 3G

Another potential option would be the “Alcatel MOVETIME Family Watch”.

Alcatel MOVETIME Family Watch” is from Alcatel mobile and, like the SpaceTalk, is also available from Vodafone. It seems like Vodafone is ahead of the crowd with their Smartwatch game. This watch has all the usual features, such as 3G and GPS. But, it also has Bluetooth, is dust and water resistant (not waterproof though), and lightweight.

The device will cost you $180, which you can pay outright, or over a 12,24, or 36-month period. To use all the features is an additional $10 per month. But for that, you’ll get unlimited calls and texts and 1GB of internet data. To use the Alcatel MOVE TIME Family Watch, you must have the “TLCMove” app installed on your phone.

How to use the “TLCMove” App

Here is how to use TLCMove, and set it up with your mobile phone.

1. Download the TLCMove app. You can do this via the Android App store or the iOS App Store.
2. Once downloaded, sign up to create your account.
3. On the watch, swipe left to reveal the IMEI code and the barcode.
4. On the app on your phone, either scan the code or enter the IMEI code.
5. Type in your phone number and your relationship with the child.

6. Enter your child’s name and phone number- the phone number attached to the SIM card in their smartwatch

Then, much like any other kid’s smartwatch, you can also adjust the settings to control what your child is and isn’t allowed to do.

Option #3 Cactus Watches

Cactus is one of the most popular kid’s watch brands in Australia. Recently, they have also branched out into smartwatches. Their two most popular brands of smartwatches are KidoCall and KidoPlay. Both versions come with a microphone and two cameras, so you can constantly monitor what your child is doing. You can also call them, stop them using the watch during class, set alarms, see when the battery is low, and track their health. Because these watches are designed for kids, they’re water and dust-resistant.

How to setup a Cactus Watch

Once the SIM card is in the watch, you can start to connect it to your phone.

1. Download the SeTracker app on Android or iPhone.
2. Register your account.
3. Turn the watch on. And go to QR Code- RegCode. This will display a QR Code on the watch face.
4. On your phone, scan the QR code to connect it

And then, as usual, change the settings so you can decide how much of your child you may wish to track.

What kind of plan should I get for my child’s Smartwatch?

We would recommend using either a SIM Only prepaid plan or pay-as-you-go. The only thing we wouldn’t recommend is a post-paid contract because those deals often have a phone included, so you’ll pay extra for something you’re not even going to use. Whether you opt for pay-as-you-go or prepaid should depend on which is more financially efficient. If you intend to call your child often and track their every move, then it will probably be cheaper to use a prepaid plan. But, if you only want to call them occasionally, and give them more freedom, pay as you go may be a better option. You should also account for what will happen if they lose their SIM card. Will you need to pay a hefty replacement fee? Be sure to speak to customer services about what to do if you lose a SIM card when you order your plan.

Smartwatches vs Mobile Phones

Smartwatches have several benefits over mobile phones. The most obvious one is that they’re easier to track. Even if your child’s phone has tracking options, they can easily turn them off. The smartphone also has more things to do, such as social media and internet browsing apps, which can prevent them from spending time with their friends. Smartwatches encourage your child to go outside. They’re cheaper and easier to carry around. Hence why you may consider them over mobile phones.

Ethical Concerns around child’s Smartwatches

Of course, some of you might have ethical concerns about constantly tracking your child. Is it right to know your kid’s whereabouts all the time? When you grew up, you kept secrets from your parents and probably did things they wouldn’t have approved of. Don’t our kids deserve the same privacy? It’s also important not to be overprotective. Kids need to learn from their mistakes, just like we did. Watching them may prevent them from making the valuable errors they need to.

And finally, your child is probably smarter than you think. You’d be amazed how good teenagers are at hiding things from their parents. If your child wants to do something they shouldn’t, be that online or offline, they will find a way, and no amount of technology can stop them. Please note that this is just some friendly advice. We’re not telling you how to raise your kids.


And that is what you should know about smartwatches. We respect that both ethically, and financially, a smartwatch can be a large investment. But, if you feel it may be necessary to protect your child, we hope this articles has provided you with the tools to select rhe right one.