Amaysim Review – Should You Go With Them ?

What’s the key point ?

Everyone wants to get a the best price plan deal. Not everyone wants a phone. Many already have one.

For those who fall in to both camps – those who want a great deal on a SIM card but don’t need a new mobile phone, we feel like we owe you what we owe our other friends.

I’ve worked in telco for years. My colleagues and I have designed our site to answer the questions our friends have when they’re looking at telecommunications products. One aspect of the site you may have noticed is that we always make a recommendation on the best price plan deal. There’s a reason for that – our friends are always asking for them. And, for the friends who already have a phone, we always make the same recommendation….Amaysim.

Who is this plan for ?

For people after the best price plan deal, who already have their own mobile phone, there’s only one answer. For years now, we have consistently recommended Amaysim’s $44.90 unlimited plan.

Get 50% off :

Your first month of the UNLIMITED Plan. Use CODE UNL1435 

Ends 31 March


What you need to know

Amaysim is an Australian company with affordable pricing for the telecommunications services they offer. They have been operating since the end of 2010.

Almost all Australians buy their phone service from one of the top 4 phone companies. In Australia, people choose phone companies in the same way they choose banks. For some reason, people tend to trust the brands they’ve always known and steer clear of new ideas. And just like the big 4 banks, if you’re not prepared to shop around for your phone services, and consider alternatives like Amaysim, you might be missing on the best deals.


We feel so strongly about providing you with the inside track on pricing on what is consistently the best deal in the Australian market that we are taking the time and the special step, to write an article about this best in class offer. Just to be clear, we are genuinely just writing this because it’s the advice we give our family and we think it’s the best advice we can give you.

Amaysim’s $44.90 plan is excellent

The Amaysim $44.90 unlimited plan has features which make it stand out.

It’s a genuinely unlimited plan ( for calls in Oz )
For voice and text in Australia, the Amaysim plan offers unlimited use – and all for $44.90. Of course, the plan is subject to fair usage but unless you’re talking 24 x 7 – so long as your needs are those of a legitimate Australian Consumer, you’ll be fine. We know how much people worry about their mobile bills. Everyone we know has had a neck rubbing moment just after they’ve opened their post and cracked the envelope from their telecommunications provider. Do you know anyone who has not had a bill for more than $100 from their telco for services ? We do – the people we’ve recommended the Amaysim plan to. The best part of having an Amaysim plan is that you never have to worry again about blowing your cap.


5 GB of data is a lot
That’s a lot of data. I use a lot of data on my mobile. I stream the news on the way in to the office, I download tonnes of email from a variety of accounts every day with attachments. I use my mobile as a tethered modem all the time to update the Whatphone site with the articles I’ve written. And I go nowhere near 4GB of data a month. Data users are broken in to 3 ‘types’.

  • Low users – know they use virtually no data
    They know who they are. They hardly surf and when they do, it’s a couple of times a month.
  •  High users – Use heaps and they know it too:
    They know who they are and they know what data they use. The top 20% of iPhone / other high end Smartphone users will go over 1.5GB – 2GB of data. They’re high users.
  • Medium users – Probably you – and this is a problem:
    These guys are the ones with the problem. They don’t know how much they use. Does that sound like you ? If so, go Amaysim. Right now, you have to be in the top 1 per cent of mobile phone users to go over 4GB of data ( what Amaysim include in their plans. ) You can sleep easy that you’re not going to blow this allowance !

No contract required
Amaysim do not require a contract. In the telco industry, this type of plan is called On Account. In fact, it’s no more of a commitment to the Amaysim company than a prepaid SIM is. You sign up, activate online and you give them your details – credit card or bank account. Then they charge you every month for the service. But, you can cancel any time. Unlike prepaid, you’ll never run out of credit when you need it most. And unlike a contract, if you want out, that’s fine. Give them a ring and end the contract. No termination fees, no arguments, you’re done.

13 & 18 numbers are included so fewer surprises on the bill
One of the things that really catches people out is that they buy a cap and it doesn’t include 13 numbers or 18 numbers. Then they have to call one of them when they’re out and about and they end up on call to a call center for 45 minutes getting charged an outrageous out of cap rate for it ! Not with Amaysim ! The service is great ! I actually put my girlfriend on the plan 6 months ago with an old phone. I asked her for her thoughts on the service and she said she loved it ! The call center is based in Australia and they even send you an email whenever they debit your account !




Things to remember

International calls – Are charged for
One note in the hope it will help : Remember, if you go outside of Australia and call then you will be charged for that. Read the terms: As with all plans, it’s always prudent to ensure that you read the terms and conditions before you sign up. Just because we love the plan doesn’t mean it’s necessarily right for you .But – if you are an average person and you decide this is the right plan for you then you are very unlikely to get a shock when your bill lands in your email tray – ever again !

Awards – Amaysim have won heaps of them
Money Magazine has awarded them twice for having the best unlimited and as you go plans ! What more do you want !? As usual, if you have feedback or questions, why not drop us a line through the ‘get in touch’ section of our site. We’d love to hear from you. And if you’d like more reviews of plans, we’ll maybe we will !